Only some of you dear readers will remember the commercials from which the title of this post was stolen. It was years ago, shortly after the onset of cassette tapes, (and only some of you will remember what those are) and in the ad was a famous woman singer who could hit a high note and shatter glass. The commercial was to prove that even her recorded voice could also shatter glass, when their particular brand of cassettes were used.
So how does this old memory come into play in my life? It represents my current season in God. I find myself questioning and asking constantly "Is this Truth, God? Or is it bull$#@%?" So many things I once believed without question are coming up before me and honestly, I am shocked and amazed that I didn't question them before.
What do I believe about that? Where do I stand on this? What is the truth? I am thankful that because I know Truth in the Person of Jesus, I have someone to go to with these questions. And though some would deduce that I am in a sad state of rebellion, I know that I am on a journey into a deeper walk with Him. And I rest assured that God is delighted with my questions. He is teaching me to ask the right ones. I am inquiring of the Lord to show me His heart on these matters.
I am thankful for this outlet, this place where I am able to verbalize some of my ponderings and in the sharing even work out and solidify greater convictions. To some this may be too frightening and unnerving and therefore I have lost readers. That's OK. I am not here to gain a following. My only desire is to be transparent in hopes that my questions might spur questions in you readers that will ultimately lead us all into deeper truth.
My children are not currently walking with the Lord, but I'm not really even sure what that statement means or if it is a true statement. They are not currently involved in corporate church, nor are they reading Scripture (to my knowledge), etc. So by all appearances they are not "walking with the Lord." Yet He said Himself that He never leaves us nor does He forsake us. So He must be walking with them!
Anyway, I find to my delight that I have grown in my relationship with God because of them, and because they have challenged me and my beliefs over the years. Just the simple question "How do you know God is real, Mom?" has the capacity to either launch a mother into a 10 minute lecture with many quoted Scriptures to emphasize the truth of her points, or in this mother's case it has caused me to stand even more solid on the basis of my truth. "I know because I know Him." That has been my answer. "And I cannot talk you into anything because I was not talked into anything. I know because He is real to me, as real as you are. I know because I don't know....but I know." Stupid sounding answers, and frustrating all the more to the hearer I'm sure, but what other answer can I give? I can only pray that my life.....that this perfect love that has set me free to truly live, will be enough to one day cause them to desire to know Him also.
And as for quoting Scriptures, I think I have developed a new rule. I'm not saying everyone should live by it, but you should. Do not quote a Scripture unless it has become living personal revelation. We all do it, don't we? We hear a pastor or a preacher use some Scripture in his message, and we have no personal revelation on that Scripture, maybe we have never even heard it before, but we walk away sort of like "Yea, what he said." and we find ourselves using it on the next person to back up our point. Or maybe to back up his point which has now become our point without our ever having studied the matter ourselves. But is that the Word? Doesn't our enemy know the Scriptures probably even more than most of God's people? And didn't he use them for evil against our Lord? Without personal revelation it is only words, not Word.
I believe this is a time in the Kingdom when fresh manna is being poured out. I believe that greater revelation is ours for the taking.....that precious gems are available to anyone willing to dig for them.....and I sense that this era of the church will be monumental in the direction of Her future. There will always be those who are content with leftovers. There will always be some who prefer to have their food pre-chewed and pre-packaged with complete directions attached. But for those of you who are hungry....and who feel the new wind of the Spirit blowing on your backs, blowing off the dust of what has been and blowing up feelings of discontent, be encouraged! God doesn't serve leftovers. He has a banquet table prepared for us, and His food is fresh. His meal is satisfying and life giving. I am excited to partake with you. I am excited to taste the newness of Him, because one thing I do know for sure......He is good!! How do I know this? He has proved Himself to me time and time again. My prayer is that He would show you His goodness today. And may we all come to truly know because we know Him.
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lil Holly, man, it's so good to hear someone talk REAL.