We have all done it. Think about the times that you have recognized "error" or "sin" in someone else, and in your zeal to defend Jesus, you "called them out", or set them straight, or (horrors) cut them down to size. I'm sure you thought you had to...after all, it's part of being a Christian, right? I wonder...is it really? Is it effective ministry? Is Jesus pleased with our zealous defense of Him? Why do Christians feel it is our duty to defend the Master of the universe?
Let's ponder for a moment a scene in a garden...an olive grove. I imagine it was a peaceful place. Jesus often met with His disciples here, and so it would appear this was just another one of those times when He and His buddies got together in their special place. But on this particular day, when they arrived, they found a group of Roman soldiers waiting for them. These guys were not only uninvited company, but they were clearly hostile, as they had weapons brandished, ready to fight.
What happened next? Check it out...Jesus stepped forward! He knew they were there to nab Him, their anger was directed toward Him, yet He stepped forward. (Does it seem like He needed the disciples to defend Him?)
After he steps forward, Jesus speaks up, and asks Judas's entourage "Whom are you looking for?" Wait, he doesn't run away or push one of his guys in front saying "Yikes, you handle this", but instead He remains out in front of them!
And when the Romans say they are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, He answers "I am the One." When He speaks, they all fell back on the ground!! (Doesn't seem to me to be a Guy who needs anybody to stick up for Him!)
But Peter, dear Pete...he doesn't quite get it. Even after witnessing Jesus' power, and seeing He had the situation all under control, Peter feels he simply must do something...he will defend Jesus! In his zeal, he lunges toward Malchus, one of the high priest's servants, and lops off his ear. (Doesn't that seem cool? Peter is so brave, isn't he? And so righteous! He is willing to fight for Jesus! Go, Pete!! I wonder if the other disciples were waiting to chest butt him as he came back to stand with them.)
Jesus cuts the machismo short when he speaks to Peter, "Put down your sword and return it to the sheath..." and then some accounts say that Jesus picks up the guy's ear, and puts it back on his head!
OK, so what do we learn from this little scene? I think it is quite clear that Jesus doesn't need any man to defend Him to His enemies. The thing is, we can't see the whole picture, so someone we may perceive as being His enemy may be exactly where they are supposed to be in the bigger story. And what we might perceive to be error or sin, God is quite capable of dealing with.
But all too often, in our zeal, we strike! We cut someone down with our need to defend Jesus at all costs. We lose proper perspective, and all trust that God is able, and we unsheathe our sword...for we have been taught well that God's word is a sword! We need to pull it out and use it!
But what if...what if we waited. What if we allowed Jesus to step out ahead, trusting that He's got it all under control? What if instead of acting out of our own impulse to defend Him, we waited...for His sweet presence in us to step out ahead and lead?
I think our encounters would begin to look a lot more like His looked. And ultimately, we might start to look a lot more like Him.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
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