Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You Might Be An Evangelical...

If you insist on a "real" Christmas tree because it is part of the true meaning of Christmas...

If you read your Bible and have your quiet time every morning, then don't give God another thought the rest of the day...

If you attend church where you do because you "like the worship" and they preach "the word"...

If you go to every conference within a 200 mile radius of your house...

If you tithe religiously, but you won't help out your jobless brother Bob because he is a Mormon...

If you love everyone except gays...

If you have alienated most of your extended family in your attempts to "get them saved"...

If you are pro-life when it comes to babies, but pro-death when it comes to criminals...

If you go out of your community to buy your adult beverages so you don't cause anyone you know to "stumble"...

If you believe all democrats are satanists... 

If you judge every pastor who dresses differently than you, or believes differently than you, or worships differently than you a heretic and call it "discernment"...

If you fast for three days every year and practice gluttony the rest of it...

If you read this and take offense, then have to work through forgiveness and inner just might be an Evangelical!

Happy Holi...oops, I mean Merry Christmas, everyone!!!


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This morning I read in Revelation 7:17 "And God will wipe from their eyes every last tear."  We all know that scripture. And I'...