In my last post about perspective, we examined the Scripture from Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, people perish." Some translations say "Where there is no revelation (prophetic vision), the people cast off restraint..." In other words, without seeing from God's perspective we run wild. I might say that with no vision, no Kingdom sight, I would become so discouraged that I might just lose hope and run wild too.
Revelations 3:18 tells us to anoint our eyes with eyesalve that we may "see".....
God began talking to me about "sight" long ago. Since then I am struck with how very many times the word "see" or "look" is used just in the New Testament. There must be something to this "seeing" He continues to bring up to us.
In the Old Testament, the word see has many meanings......
see: behold--to dream--to gaze--to have a vision of--prophesy--a view--to look upon--to look intently at--to regard with pleasure--to survey--perceive
I found that in the New Testament, the same word translated "see" has many, many more meanings. It fascinates me to think that such a little, often overlooked word, holds such mysteries and fulness.
see: receive sight--see fully--beware--take heed--to look through--recover full vision--see clearly--understand--to discern clearly--with pleasure, gladly--to visit--to acknowledge--consider--to be a spectator of--to denote surprise (lo!)--to be knowing--open eyes--to gaze with wide open eyes at something remarkable--continual inspection--to brighten up--enlighten--illuminate
Think about it! Even the word "see" takes on fuller and greater meaning once Jesus came! And since Holy Spirit came to us, our eyes were opened and we can see! We are a prophetic people. What were the prophets of the Old Testament often called? Seers! We are "seers"!! We have been given the ability to see with Kingdom eyes, to look past what may be in the natural realm, and to see what is actually taking place in the Kingdom realm. We are a people who have been given "sight" or vision so that we do not perish! But we have to learn to use this new eyesight. We have to practice seeing.
What do we see? What do I see? Do I see lack, or do I see His provision? Do I see sin or do I see through the eyes of grace? Do I see trouble and suffering or do I see life and redemption? What do I see? It all depends on what I am looking through. Are my eyes glorified and sanctified? Am I beholding His beauty? Am I answering His call to "come up here" so that He can show me?
What is our prayer? I find myself often wanting God to change my circumstance, wanting God to remove a trial or a challenge from my path. But my prayer has become "Lord, give me eyes to see! Father, I need the grace to see from Your perspective! I don't want to miss what You are showing me in this!"
As we answer His call to "come up here....come up higher" our vision, our "sight" changes. His Word says that we are seated in heavenly places with Him. What does that mean? It means that we have a new perspective. We have been given the advantage of seeing from above, seated next to God....seeing as He sees. Same circumstance, same earthly reality....but with heavenly sight and perspective, we begin to live in a different realm. We are called to a realm where things are not as they "seem"...."I once was blind, but now I see!!!"
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The whole concept of perspective continues to intrigue me.
We have lived in a 5th wheel camper for the past year now. It has been both freeing and challenging at the same time, depending on my perspective. I often think about the differences between "camping" and "living." If I were simply camping in this trailer, many of my day to day annoyances would not exist. For one thing, we would be traveling and moving around, and so the excitement of the experiences and adventure would override the daily difficulties. Craig would not be working, so there would be no need for freshly pressed shirts, which are an almost impossible notion. We would most likely be going where the weather is warm, so most of our meals would be cooked out on the BBQ, alleviating the frustration of trying to produce dinner in a tiny "kitchen" where counter space is non-existent. Camping is fun! Living in a camper....well, often not so much. Same 5th wheel, different perspective.
Another example that comes to mind is staying in a hotel. When I lived in a house my perspective was completely different. While I loved to travel, I rarely fully enjoyed a hotel room and found myself longing to be home in my nice comfortable bed, showering in my nice big shower, and no matter how good it was to get away there was no better feeling than to step through the front door of my home. But oh how my perspective has changed! Now we can't wait to go on a trip, any little jaunt is an excuse to rent a hotel room. Oh yes, to bask in the very largeness, to be free to shower and let the water run while I soap up or shampoo my hair! It is heavenly indeed, and I appreciate every moment from running around the room to rolling on the king sized bed. We are in no rush to return to our tiny little trailer, tiny little shower and water heater, and much smaller than we're used to bed. Same hotel room, different perspective.
Perspective. "The ability to see things in a true relationship." Perspective. How we "see" determines our perspective and how things "seem." God is constantly changing my perspective. As I come into greater relationship, "true relationship" with Him, my perspective changes. My ability to see shifts.
Interesting note: I am a contact lens wearer. I have worn glasses since the second grade. I can hardly see past my own nose. One thing I have noticed over the years, is that if I have my contacts out and my vision is blurry, it seems to also affect my ability to hear. Whether it is because part of hearing is reading lips, which requires sight, I do not know. But I do know that I can't hear as well when I can't see.
Pertaining to God again, He desires for us to see from His perspective, and when we do it is much easier to hear His voice.
Revelation 3:18 instructs the lukewarm church to "......anoint your eyes with eyesalve that you may see" referring here to seeing from a Kingdom perspective. They thought they were fine, rich in fact. When the reality is they were spiritually poor and barren. One commentator shares that the Greek word for eyesalve used here is "kollourion" and this eyesalve came in little lumps shaped like loaves of bread. In other words, look upon the Word and see from God's perspective. Allow God to give you sight. Rub the bread of life into your eyes, change your vision, get a godly perspective!
Proverbs 29:18 says "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The word for "vision" there is "sight", so it is saying without proper sight, we will die. Many of us read this Scripture, and think that without a vision of the future the people perish. But I would say that if we are not seeing with God's perspective in every daily circumstance, we could allow the circumstance to overwhelm us! Remember, discouragement is the enemy of faith. Our current "reality" needs to be seen through anointed eyes, needs to be looked at from a heavenly perspective. Proper perspective adjusts our vision and guards our faith!
Are there days when I grow weary of living in this 5th wheel? Yes! But when I turn to Him, when I anoint my eyes with the eyesalve of His Word, and allow God to adjust my sight, He gives me a new perspective. I find that I am once again thankful....for this adventure He has us on. I am thankful that we are not tied down with a house payment. I am thankful that my husband is free to explore new job possibilities. I am thankful for a dry place to sleep at night, and especially for all of the amazing experiences we have had in this past year. I am thankful for the life He has given me. Same 5th wheel, new perspective.
I once was blind, but now I see! Perspective.....Vision.....Sight. Stay tuned....more to come.......
We have lived in a 5th wheel camper for the past year now. It has been both freeing and challenging at the same time, depending on my perspective. I often think about the differences between "camping" and "living." If I were simply camping in this trailer, many of my day to day annoyances would not exist. For one thing, we would be traveling and moving around, and so the excitement of the experiences and adventure would override the daily difficulties. Craig would not be working, so there would be no need for freshly pressed shirts, which are an almost impossible notion. We would most likely be going where the weather is warm, so most of our meals would be cooked out on the BBQ, alleviating the frustration of trying to produce dinner in a tiny "kitchen" where counter space is non-existent. Camping is fun! Living in a camper....well, often not so much. Same 5th wheel, different perspective.
Another example that comes to mind is staying in a hotel. When I lived in a house my perspective was completely different. While I loved to travel, I rarely fully enjoyed a hotel room and found myself longing to be home in my nice comfortable bed, showering in my nice big shower, and no matter how good it was to get away there was no better feeling than to step through the front door of my home. But oh how my perspective has changed! Now we can't wait to go on a trip, any little jaunt is an excuse to rent a hotel room. Oh yes, to bask in the very largeness, to be free to shower and let the water run while I soap up or shampoo my hair! It is heavenly indeed, and I appreciate every moment from running around the room to rolling on the king sized bed. We are in no rush to return to our tiny little trailer, tiny little shower and water heater, and much smaller than we're used to bed. Same hotel room, different perspective.
Perspective. "The ability to see things in a true relationship." Perspective. How we "see" determines our perspective and how things "seem." God is constantly changing my perspective. As I come into greater relationship, "true relationship" with Him, my perspective changes. My ability to see shifts.
Interesting note: I am a contact lens wearer. I have worn glasses since the second grade. I can hardly see past my own nose. One thing I have noticed over the years, is that if I have my contacts out and my vision is blurry, it seems to also affect my ability to hear. Whether it is because part of hearing is reading lips, which requires sight, I do not know. But I do know that I can't hear as well when I can't see.
Pertaining to God again, He desires for us to see from His perspective, and when we do it is much easier to hear His voice.
Revelation 3:18 instructs the lukewarm church to "......anoint your eyes with eyesalve that you may see" referring here to seeing from a Kingdom perspective. They thought they were fine, rich in fact. When the reality is they were spiritually poor and barren. One commentator shares that the Greek word for eyesalve used here is "kollourion" and this eyesalve came in little lumps shaped like loaves of bread. In other words, look upon the Word and see from God's perspective. Allow God to give you sight. Rub the bread of life into your eyes, change your vision, get a godly perspective!
Proverbs 29:18 says "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The word for "vision" there is "sight", so it is saying without proper sight, we will die. Many of us read this Scripture, and think that without a vision of the future the people perish. But I would say that if we are not seeing with God's perspective in every daily circumstance, we could allow the circumstance to overwhelm us! Remember, discouragement is the enemy of faith. Our current "reality" needs to be seen through anointed eyes, needs to be looked at from a heavenly perspective. Proper perspective adjusts our vision and guards our faith!
Are there days when I grow weary of living in this 5th wheel? Yes! But when I turn to Him, when I anoint my eyes with the eyesalve of His Word, and allow God to adjust my sight, He gives me a new perspective. I find that I am once again thankful....for this adventure He has us on. I am thankful that we are not tied down with a house payment. I am thankful that my husband is free to explore new job possibilities. I am thankful for a dry place to sleep at night, and especially for all of the amazing experiences we have had in this past year. I am thankful for the life He has given me. Same 5th wheel, new perspective.
I once was blind, but now I see! Perspective.....Vision.....Sight. Stay tuned....more to come.......
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Anyone who knows me well has heard me speak the following words...."Freedom begets freedom." I really believe this is the key to life. Even more than just life, abundant life. Freedom is the key to abundant life. And Jesus came to set the captives free! People who are living a fearless life, a life of freedom, spur everyone around them to desire that kind of life! Freedom is contagious!
Did you ever notice how being around an extremely insecure person can be very tiring? It causes us to feel so uncomfortable that we want to escape. We all know people who apologize all of the time, who seem to apologize just for being alive. It is as if they know they are not living their true life, and it makes them so aware of their shortcomings that they are constantly "sorry."
But have you ever been in the presence of a person who is free to be themselves, with no apologies? (Now, I'm not talking about the one whose mantra is "Hey, this is how I am and if you don't like it too bad..." That is not freedom but an excuse for bad behavior.) I am speaking here of one who is fully and completely free in the security of who he or she is in Jesus. I'm talking of someone who has been seen by Him and who has found safety and security in His eyes. A person who is being restored to their true self. They are like a breath of fresh air, because there are no apologies needed. This type of freedom always manifests itself in love and safety, and it draws people. It is not a shallow type of love or a boring kind of safety....but an excitement which stirs others, and challenges them to live!
I read this quote by Oswald Chambers that sums up what I am trying to express "The resounding evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person's life is the unmistakable family likeness to Jesus Christ, and the freedom from everything which is not like Him."
When I am fully loved, fully filled, fully healed and fully and completely "me" then I am free from the temptations that bog me down and try to choke the life out of me. I am free to love freely and generously because I am not fearful that I will be hurt. I am free to give testimonies of how wonderful my God is, because I have experienced His wonder. I can be fully me and trust that "myself" is good enough because God desires me! I am alive!
Maybe we have simplified the Gospel to be nothing more than a ticket out of this world and a guarantee of heaven. But life is so much more than that!! God sent His Son to restore set us free! Free to live!! He came to shatter the false selves that we have had to rely on in order to survive in this fallen world. He came to return us to our original design, to our true identity, our "Edenic" beauty.....He came to give us abundant life! Too many people are living a "survive until I can escape" life. That is really sad, and not at all what God intended. Jesus gave His life so that we could have a LIFE like Him! Does your life look at all like the life of Jesus? If not, it is available to you. But you have to go after it. You have to want to live! "Today I have given you the choice between life and death..." (Deut. 30:19) You have to go after "life" with everything that's in you! All life is found in God, in Jesus. There is no real life without Him. So to go after "life" is to go after God. Seek Him, and allow Him to raise you up out of the ashes of your "sorry" life. Allow Him to shatter every part of your false self. Ask Him to show you who you really are and to give you your true identity.
As we begin to walk in freedom, all those around us will desire this freedom, and the love of God which is the "life" of God will overtake the darkness of this earth. This is how disciples are made. This is the Good News of the Gospel! Freedom begets freedom!!!
Did you ever notice how being around an extremely insecure person can be very tiring? It causes us to feel so uncomfortable that we want to escape. We all know people who apologize all of the time, who seem to apologize just for being alive. It is as if they know they are not living their true life, and it makes them so aware of their shortcomings that they are constantly "sorry."
But have you ever been in the presence of a person who is free to be themselves, with no apologies? (Now, I'm not talking about the one whose mantra is "Hey, this is how I am and if you don't like it too bad..." That is not freedom but an excuse for bad behavior.) I am speaking here of one who is fully and completely free in the security of who he or she is in Jesus. I'm talking of someone who has been seen by Him and who has found safety and security in His eyes. A person who is being restored to their true self. They are like a breath of fresh air, because there are no apologies needed. This type of freedom always manifests itself in love and safety, and it draws people. It is not a shallow type of love or a boring kind of safety....but an excitement which stirs others, and challenges them to live!
I read this quote by Oswald Chambers that sums up what I am trying to express "The resounding evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person's life is the unmistakable family likeness to Jesus Christ, and the freedom from everything which is not like Him."
When I am fully loved, fully filled, fully healed and fully and completely "me" then I am free from the temptations that bog me down and try to choke the life out of me. I am free to love freely and generously because I am not fearful that I will be hurt. I am free to give testimonies of how wonderful my God is, because I have experienced His wonder. I can be fully me and trust that "myself" is good enough because God desires me! I am alive!
Maybe we have simplified the Gospel to be nothing more than a ticket out of this world and a guarantee of heaven. But life is so much more than that!! God sent His Son to restore set us free! Free to live!! He came to shatter the false selves that we have had to rely on in order to survive in this fallen world. He came to return us to our original design, to our true identity, our "Edenic" beauty.....He came to give us abundant life! Too many people are living a "survive until I can escape" life. That is really sad, and not at all what God intended. Jesus gave His life so that we could have a LIFE like Him! Does your life look at all like the life of Jesus? If not, it is available to you. But you have to go after it. You have to want to live! "Today I have given you the choice between life and death..." (Deut. 30:19) You have to go after "life" with everything that's in you! All life is found in God, in Jesus. There is no real life without Him. So to go after "life" is to go after God. Seek Him, and allow Him to raise you up out of the ashes of your "sorry" life. Allow Him to shatter every part of your false self. Ask Him to show you who you really are and to give you your true identity.
As we begin to walk in freedom, all those around us will desire this freedom, and the love of God which is the "life" of God will overtake the darkness of this earth. This is how disciples are made. This is the Good News of the Gospel! Freedom begets freedom!!!
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This morning I read in Revelation 7:17 "And God will wipe from their eyes every last tear." We all know that scripture. And I...
Well, it's been almost one month since we left our beautiful home behind for motor home life. It has been great so far. We have stayed i...
Hello, Blogger world. I come to you today after a weekend of heavenly bliss. Yes, I retreated with 16 other like-minded women...though we di...
We were sitting in our recliners after a long weekend. We drove down to get the boat out of Lake Shasta, and then up to Eugene to park it be...